Amos Miller Photography
I always enjoyed using my trusty 35mm Praktica MTL3 as a child, without really ever understanding many of the technicalities; it wasn’t until Nikon (I always coveted one!) brought out the Df (which is a full-frame digital camera, but one where you can control all the variables – shutter speed, aperture, ISO – using knobs, rather than menus!) that digital photography started to appeal. I have absolutely loved using this camera over the last 10 years, and have been lucky enough to have had the odd commendation along the way (shortlisted for the Landscape Photographer of the Year, selected for the inaugural Royal Overseas League photography exhibition, and featured photographer in the JAM on the Marsh exhibition in 2019 (see Dungeness gallery), as well as having my images used for several album covers.
I don’t feel that I have yet developed an identifiable style, and, frankly, feel a bit ridiculous having a website, but several people have kindly asked to buy prints, so I felt the time was right. I am lucky that this is still a hobby (I have taken wedding photos and have done children’s portaits for friends, but am not confident enough to undertake paid commissions!), so I thought that, if anyone wanted to buy a print, I would like the proceeds to go to charitable cause. I have a particular admiration for the charity Women for Refugee Women and will donate ALL profits from print sales to them. As print and shipping costs vary, please pay me via the e-commerce tab, and once the print has been shipped to you, I will send you a copy of my donation receipt. All prints are printed either by D-Studio or Fotospeed, and will be on Hahnnemühle art papers and will be supplied un-mounted.
I haven’t put the technical details by each picture, as I don’t think that is of wide interest, but can supply if needed! All pics here taken with Nikon camera (Df, D800 and a couple on a loan D750), apart from two which were taken with iphone…let me know if you can spot which! Lens-wise, the majority with Nikkor lenses, some vintage.
“…your truly spectacular photograph of a heron.” – Sir David Attenborough